In the middle of a global crisis that is being haunt Indonesia, this country publicly fret again made with the religious issues. This time the problem is the emergence of Prophet Mohammed cartoon character. Specializes, the actions of this provocation will raise strong reactions from the community, especially Islam.
These cartoons appear in the site which has been blocked by Wordpress. The creator of the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad with a very poor hand excessive. Just to remind, there was a similar action works cartoonist Kurt Westergard Danish origin who make the Islamic world scene in the world, including Indonesia. Then follow the movie Fitna scandalize it contains a turn-over translation of Al-Quran that action in connection with the terrorist 9/11 in the United States.
No doubt, there is a person who tried to break unity among the diverse people in Indonesia. Especially when the conditions in which people are sensitive because of the impact of global crisis and towards the natipnal election in 2009 next year. However the people of Indonesia should be able take an action that such a proportional and not excessive.
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